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Information about the Governing Body

School governors are people who want to make a positive contribution to children’s education. They have a wide range of responsibilities, with their priority being the strategic direction of the school and, being accountable for the performance of the school.

Together with the Executive Headteacher, governors:

  • Decide the aims and objectives for the school
  • Review pupils’ achievement and set targets for improvement
  • Approve the school budget
  • Make decisions about staffing
  • Ensure the national curriculum and religious education are taught
  • Approve school policies
  • Make sure children with special needs have access to the curriculum
  • Act as a link between the school and the community it serves
  • Keep parents/carers informed
  • Consider complaints from parents/carers
  • Ensure the school is well maintained
  • Ensure health & safety requirements are met.


Governor standing orders and code of conduct  can be found below.

Please find the link here for the governments financial benchmarking information.

Our Structure

On March 28th 2023 FST Primary Schools Federation was formed when Foston CE, Stillington and Terrington CE Primary schools federated. This means that one governing body is now responsible for the three schools of the FST Primary Schools Federation.

Our Instrument of Government can be found below.

FST Primary Schools Federation Governing Board is comprised of 14 governors as follows:

  • Two parent governors
  • Eight Foundation governors
  • One Local Authority governor
  • One staff governor
  • Headteacher
  • One co-opted governor


FST Primary Schools Federation Governing Board has one sub-committees:

The Pupil Progress and Attainment Committee. Terms of Reference

Associate governors have no voting rights.

The core functions of the Governing Body include, but are not limited to, ensuring:

  • that the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school are clearly defined
  • that the headteacher performs their responsibilities for the educational performance of the school
  • the sound, proper and effective use of the school's financial resources

We recognise the following as the fourth core function of governance:

  • Ensuring the voices of stakeholders are heard

FST Primary Schools Federation Governors 2023/24:

Name Type of Governor Appointed by Term of office Area of responsibility

Sarah Moore

Executive Headteacher



Corinne Cross (Chair)

Local Authority (LA)

LA/Governing Board

4 year term 28/3/2023-27/3/2027

Pupil Progress and Attainment Committee

Church School Distinctiveness Group

Joint Strategic Development Committee (JSDC)



SDP link - Curriculum Development


Helen Ashdown

(Co Vice-Chair)

Foundation (Ex-officio)



Pupil Progress & Attainment Committee

Church School Distinctiveness Goup - Chair

SEND & Equalities

Governors Induction Mentor

Ruth Wanless

(Co Vice-Chair)



4 year term

1/9/2024 -31/8/2028

Pupil progress & Attainment Committee

SDP link - Reading

SDP link - Writing

Patricia Head



4 year term

19/2/2024 - 18/2/2028

Pupil Progress & Attainment Committee - Chair

Church Schools Distinctiveness Group

Joint Strategic Development Committee (JSDC)

SDP link - Curriculum

SDP link - Teaching & Learning

James Fenwick Foundation Foundation/Trust 4 year term 28/3/2023-27/3/2027  

Vanessa Jones



4 year term


Staff wellbeing

Tim Munro


Elected by parents

4-year term


SDP link - Parental Engagement and Marketing

Annabel Leakey



4 year term

28/11/2023 -27/11/2027

Pupil Progress & Attainment Committee

Health & Safety

Victoria Allon


Elected by staff

4 year term

6/3//2024 - 5/3/2028

Church school Distinctiveness

Laura McInerney


Appointed by Governing Body

4 year term

8/7/2024 - 7/7/2028

SDP link - Behaviour

Alex Reppold

Co -opted

Appointed by Governing Board

4 year term

16/9/2024 - 15/9/2028

Joint Strategic Development Committee (JSDC)


Katie Stringer

Associate Member

Governing Board

1 year term

16/9/2024 - 15/9/ 2025

Pupil Progress and Attainment Committee

India Tordoff

Associate Member

Governing Board

1 year term

16/9/2024 - 15/9/2025

Pupil Progress and Attainment Committee

Church Schools Distinctiveness Group

Howard Widdall

Associate Member

Governing Board

1 year term



The Clerk to the Governing Board is Ms Lydia Waites (NYES Clerking) contact: 
The Chair of Governors, Mrs Corinne Cross, can be contacted: via the school office or:

Register of Business / Personal Interests 2023/24:

  • Sarah Moore is married to the caretaker at Foston School and ICT technician for FST Primary Schools Federation; Executive Headteacher at Langton Primary school; and a Trustee of Project Marigold
  • Corinne Cross is Associate Member of Langton Primary School Governing Board
  • Vanessa Jones is the Vice-chair of Foston & Thornton le Clay Village Hall Committee.
  • Annabel Leakey is a Trustee of Chamber Orchestra of the West.
  • Alex Reppold is Director of Thoughtful Leadership (Educational Consultancy); and married to Kelly Reppold Educational Consultant.
  • Ruth Wanless is a board member of Project Marigold
  • Howard Widdall is the Chair of Governors of Langton Primary School.
  • Katie stringer is an Associate Member of Langton Primary School Governing Board

Members of FST Primary Schools Federation Governing Board who have stepped down in the past 12 months:

Rev'd Nigel Benson

Foundation Governor - Ex Officio

1 September 2024 to 12 September 2024

Nic Clarke


28 March 2023 to 2 September 2024

Sarah Hutton

Foundation Governor

28 March 2023 to 19 February 2024

Mark Mirfin

Parent Governor

28 March 2023 to 9 January 2024

Katie Stringer

Staff Governor

28 March 2023 to 31 December 2023

Tom Clarke

Foundation Governor

March 2023 to November 2023

Governor Attendance 2023/24: 

Governor attendance at FST Primary Schools Federation Governing Board meetings - 2023/24 Click here

Governing Board Policy and Procedure Documents:

For the Governor policy and procedure, please see the links below.